
We are now accepting applications for the 2014 Qualcomm Institute High School Summer Scholars program. Please click here to apply.

About the Program

The Qualcomm Institute, a multidisciplinary research unit at the University of California, San Diego, launched its High School Summer Scholars program in 2013, in collaboration with CREATE. The inaugural class of 11 high school juniors were recruited from three partner high schools in San Diego County that traditionally serve students from underserved communities: Gompers Preparatory Academy, UC San Diego Preuss School, and Lincoln High School. The Summer Scholars are assigned to work in the labs of UCSD faculty members who also host undergraduate researchers from the Calit2 Summer Undergraduate Research Scholars program, now in its 13th year. To read more about the undergraduate program, click here.

Qualcomm Institute

The Qualcomm Institute is the UCSD division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), created by the State of California in December 2000 (together with a sister division at UC Irvine). Over 320 professors from more than two dozen departments develop or apply technologies to address needs and issues to benefit California’s economy and quality of life.

More Information

Find out more about the High School Summer Scholars program on the FAQs and About sections of this website. Have a question? Contact


We are now accepting applications for 2014 High School Summer Scholars program. Please click here to apply.

What's Ahead

July 1
Orientation/Kick Off Session